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To use the "rule of thirds," imagine your frame is divided into thirds- both horizontally and vertically- making a grid.  When you decide where to place your subject- or the most important element(s) in your photograph- place them on one of these imaginary lines- or even better yet- on a "power point" where the grid lines intersect.When taking landscapes, horizon lines look nice placed on either the lower "third" line or upper "third" line.  











This "rule" goes hand-in-hand with the rule of thirds.  

Whenever you have a subject that is moving, or looking in a certain direction, you should leave empty space in the direction that they are moving or looking.  




(short film)

This short has been put together with the skills and techniques I have learned throughout my creative life and at Ravensbourne.

Telling the Story

The Process










Some examples of

pre production.



Shot List

Semiotics is a study of meaning. The theory of signs and symbols. 


First off, signs. To analyse a sign you need to understand the signifier and the signified. The signifier is usually just a word or simple image, for example, closed. The signified in this situation would be that the shop is closed and isn’t open for trade. Another example of this would be an image of an object, for example, a picture of a biscuit. It is signified as a biscuit. Simple right?


A similar practice is connotation and denotation. The denotation is what is seen on screen (mise-en-scene) and what it literally is. Every denotation has a connotation (the connotation being the meaning behind the denotation), for example, there is a red rose in a certain shot. First off, the colour. The colour red can be seen as either danger or love. We then have to look at how it is placed in the scene as it could be in a vase presented well or it could be destroyed and on the floor. Both of these would suggest completely different meanings. 


Here is one of the Titanic movie posters. There are some main points on this poster that give away parts of the film. 


Leonardo’s character has his eyes closed which could mean that he dies at some point in the film.

Kate’s character looks depressed and is looking away from Leo. This could mean that she is trying to get away from him or get over something like death.

The colours in the top half are warm and inviting which suggests that it is a romance.

But then there is the great big blooming object emerging from the bottom of the poster.

The Titanic ship coming up from the bottom is alms like a wedge between the couple. The text on the ship says ‘Nothing on earth could come between them’ This quote is here as the ship was never meant to sink and no one would believe it would. So by saying this about the couple makes you doubt it.

From either side of the ship there is waves gushing out and heading out and around the couple, connoting that they would be drowning. Not only in the water but in the emotions that keep them together through the whole film.

Even the lighting on the ship is showing who will live and who will die. On Kate’s side the ship is lit well and on Leo’s side the ship is dark and gloomy. 


All in all this poster has been very well thought out and has had a lot of time spent on it. By doing the poster this way they will reach the audience they are aiming for with subliminal messaging through semiotics and codes and conventions. 


How innovative production tools impact modern production methodology.

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How To: Tube Hop

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